Client Locations
Our clients are located across the United States: We fund clients in all states
Client Industries
Over the years we have helped hundreds of small U.S. based companies improve their cash flow. We continue to do so, please join the happy family
Characteristics of Clients we fund:
Wish to factor fresh and ongoing invoices to creditworthy business (not private individuals).
Have an existing incorporated or limited liability business and business license. No to funding sole proprietors.
Low factoring volume per month to begin.
May be young or start up companies, or may have been in business for some time. The significant matter is the need for improved cash flow.
Typically wait 2 weeks to 2 months (preferably 15 to 30 days) to receive payment — which is the primary reason for cash flow needs.
We usually do not accept non-government customers who take more than 30 days to pay.
Have no UCCs or liens outstanding, nor unsatisfied judgments.
Are not in the construction industry. Do not bill insurance companies, Medicare/Medicaid, or private individuals for medical or other receivables. However invoices to hospitals and creditworthy medical-related businesses are welcome.