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Factor Receivables, Improve Business Cashflow

As the owner of a small company with small accounts receivable, maybe you need more cash on hand but you can not find financing for reasons such as;
Not qualifying for a bank loan if your business is less than two years old
or Receivables volume is too low for many factoring companies which buy accounts receivable but find small receivables unprofitable....
You are in a tough spot but you are not alone. Countless numbers of very small business owners just like you need a company that will purchase your receivables for cash today. You need a small factor who specializes in buying invoices from very small businesses.

Since 1993

Welcome to Forthall Funds. We support businesses that factor small receivables per month. Put our experience towards achieving your goal of growing and moving your business forward.

Who are we:

  • We specialize in purchasing invoices of very small businesses.
  • We fund up to $10k in monthly volume to begin.
  • No application fee, no monthly minimum, no term contracts in most cases. Rates begin at 3%, no hidden cost.
...your  bridge

Reliable factoring partner...